Tuesday 12 January 2021

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks
1) What year was The Times founded and when did it start using the Times name?
It was founded in the 1785's

2) What content did John Walter suggest the paper would offer in the first edition?
He said that he wanted something to "suit everyone's pallet" 

3) What does the page say about the political views in The Times
hey use it to "applaud" them.

4) Who owns The Times today and how is editorial integrity protected?
It is now being supported by the New labour and coservatives parties

5) What did The Times introduce in 2010 and why?
They introduced a digital version of their newspapers because nearly everyone nowadays uses phones and social media and thats where most people would see the news.

6) What was The Times named in 2018 by the Reuters Institute for Journalism at Oxford University?
It was named, Britains's most trusted national newspaper

7) What does the section on Editorial Standards say about The Times and newspaper regulation?
they take complaints of the people, then go ahead and abid the independent press standards organisation .

8) What does the section on Ownership say about The Times and who is the current editor? 
They are published and owned by times paper limited the editor is John Witherow

Thursday 10 December 2020

December PPE - Paper 2 Learner response

December PPE - Paper 2 Learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full - WWW & EBI. You do not have to write your mark and grade if you don't want to.



WWW:well done for responding to extended essay questions- you make some relevent points about how Doctor Who has been a succesful franchise.

EBI:revise narrative theories. Make flashcards of different theories and terminology. Mak sure you refer to the extract when you are analysing it.

2) Write a definition for a preferred reading to make sure you know this terminology. The original blogpost for Reception theory may help with this.
Preferred reading is when the consumers view the media the ways the producers intend.

3) Write a list of any narrative theories that you DIDN'T use for your answer to question 1.2. How could you have used these in the Doctor Who clip in the exam? Propps, bathers and katz and Todorov

4) Write three ways in which a modern audience might respond differently to Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child compared to an audience at the time.The graphics and CGI, There is no diversity and the props are real which makes this look less intresting.

5) Write a plan for question 2 in the assessment - the 20-mark essay on Doctor Who as a franchise. Use the mark scheme to help you and aim to plan an introduction, conclusion and at least three detailed paragraphs.Traditionally, Doctor was a white male, most often with a younger female companion, reflecting and reinforcing traditional gender roles of the times, with the man as powerful and in control and the woman as helper.The storylines reflect events in society at the time of production, e.g. in Doctor Who the Daleks were initially seen as representing the Nazis, especially in the 1960s when WW2 was still a recent memory for many of the audience Initially the BBC saw Doctor Who as a very educational programme, to teach teens about science and history. The BBC has evolved over time and Doctor Who and Class can now both be seen as more geared towards entertainment than education

6) What topics do you need to revise for future Paper 2 exams? List at least three topics, theories or CSPs.Class industries, Doctor Who industries, Tv CSPs.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Blog tasks: Daily Mirror case study

 1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages:

Masthead:the title of a newspaper or magazine at the head of the first or editorial page.
Pug:it's placed in the top left and right hand corner; the prices, logo and issue number are placed here Here Is the first pug which is the price Below is anotherpug with a quotation from an article Inside And here is the barcode All three of the pugs shown above 
Splash Head:An introductory paragraph in an article, printed in larger or bolder type or in capitals, which summarises the article.
Slogan:slogan is a phrase which is used in politics or comertials 
Dateline:the day it was made next to the title  
Kicker:a line of newspaper type set above a headline usually in a different typeface and intended to provoke interest in, editorialize about, or provide orientation for the matter in the copy heads.
Byline:The byline (or by-line in British English) on a newspaper or magazine article gives the name of the writer of the article. ... Dictionary.com defines a byline as "a printed line of text accompanying a news story, article, or the like, giving the author's name".
Standfirst:journalism. an introductory paragraph in an article, printed in larger or bolder type or in capitals, that summarizes the article.

2) How much does a copy of the Daily Mirror cost?80p

3) What are the main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror (see above)? its about kate and harry its mainly about the roayls 

4) Why is the choice of news stories on the Mirror CSP front page typical of a tabloid newspaper?Its more pictures and less writing the writings are mainly bigger then a typical newspaper and its all about the royals and how there life is like unlike the other newspapers which are mixed and talk about other things.

5) What is the balance on the Daily Mirror front page between images, headlines and text?the balance on the Daily Mirrors front page and between images are that its all in big red writing and Daily mirror is shown in big writing on the top left which shows that its from this company.

TV assessment LR

 Learner response - blog tasks

1) Type up your feedback in full - WWW & EBI. You do not have to write your mark and grade if you don't want to.

WWW:-Some if any comments made about both Tv CSPs (Docot who and class)

EBI:-you have not followed my advice about aking notes on the clips that you are supposed to analyse- if youdo not make notes then you wll struggle to write responses for W1.2 and 1.3
-Revise media theories and erminology e.g. intertextuality
-you need to complete all blog work to a good standard.

2) Write a definition for intertextuality to make sure you know this terminology.Intertextuality happens when the conventions of one genre are alluded to in another, or when a specific cultural reference is made in a media text

3) Write a list of narrative theories that you could have used for question 1.2. How do these relate to Class? You can refer to the extract or any other moment in episode 4 of Class.Mise-en-scene todorov propp Barthes, colour camera lighting.

4) How do the four aspects of Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory apply to Class? Give specific examples from episode 4 of Class.diversion, personal relationships, personal identity and surveillance.

.5) Write a plan for question 2 in the assessment - the 20-mark essay on social and cultural contexts. Use the mark scheme to help you and aim to plan an introduction, conclusion and at least three detailed paragraphs.

 whether you agree or disagree, commenting on The entire CSP episodes, applying LIAR, comparing the modern vs the older version compare issues show how diversity is used throughout, 

6) What topics do you need to revise for next week's PPE? List at least three topics, theories or CSPs.

terminology based on the episodes/series, mise en scene, LIAR, Revise CSP's, theories. narrative language

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Industries Importance of Doctor Who to BBC

 1) Who is the target audience for Doctor Who? Has it changed since 1963? The target audience for doctor who back in 1963 would be young people since it was made as a show for kids and the time where kids will watch.

2) What audience psychographic groups might particularly enjoy Doctor Who?people who like si-fi, horror, action, mystery

3) What audience pleasures are offered by An Unearthly Child? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.Personal Identity: How the 

Personal Identity: How the girl: Susan is a student so that this will appeal to younger audiences  

Personal Relationships:Susan and her grandfather and her teachers

Diversion (Escapism): Si-fi, action, horror, mystery

 Surveillance (Information / Facts):It is somewhat educational only a tiny bit though as it is si-fi and does include subjects such as science and maths

4) What additional Uses and Gratifications would this episode provide to a modern 2020 audience?It would proof that its old by the graphics.

5) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to An Unearthly Child?visceral.


1) What was the television industry like in 1963? How many channels were there?old fashion e.g black and white and not a lot of channels compaired to now in 1963 it was more broadcasts then actual shows.

2) Why is Doctor Who such an important franchise for the BBC? its important because it earned the most money out of  all the other shows and i blou out the most.

3) How does Doctor Who meet the BBC's mission statement to 'inform, educate and entertain'? they changed there 

4) How is the BBC funded?Its work is funded principally by an annual television licence fee which is charged to all British households, companies, and organisations using any type of equipment to receive or record live television broadcasts and iPlayer catch-up.

5) Who regulates the BBC and what is the watershed?the person who regulates the bbc is and the watershed is.

1) What were the viewing figures for Class and why do you think it did so badly?they think it did so badly because it was boring and not as much things were happening after episode 1 

2) What audience psychographic groups might particularly enjoy Class?i think that people 14 and over would enjoy it

3) What audience pleasures are offered by Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

Personal Identity:
  • Charlie Smith - Greg Austin.
  • April MacLean - Sophie Hopkins.
  • Ram Singh - Fady Elsayed.
  • Tanya Adeola - Vivian Oparah.
  • Matteusz Andrzejewski - Jordan Renzo.
  • Miss Quill - Katherine Kelly.

Personal Relationships:april and ram. matteusz and charlie then miss quilland charlie.

Diversion (Escapism) aprils mum

Surveillance (Information / Facts): april and corakinus sha
re the same heart

4) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart?

5) How did fans in the 'Whoniverse' (also known as 'Whovians') react to Class? Watch the fan reaction video (and read the YouTube comments) on the Class notes blogpost or check the comments in the extension articles below to help with this.

Introduction to Newspapers: blog task

 Introduction to Newspapers: blog task

1) What type of news can you typically find in a tabloid newspaper? lots of text comapared to the broadsheet    

2) What type of news can you typically find in a broadsheet newspaper?mostly pictures and big writing

3) If someone is left-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read?the social party

4) If someone is right-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read?the conservatives 

5) Why has there been a decline in newspaper sales in the last 20 years?because now everyone is on phones compared to 2000 where newspapers where the thing.

6) Why is a free press important in a democracy like the UK? people will get the news faster

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks 1) What year was  The Times  founded and when did it start using the  Times  name? It was founded in th...