Tuesday 24 September 2019

Denotation and connotation

In this print advert i can see; a child who looks angry and sad  also the text is in bold shows that its serious and it stands out.The background is in a sunny place but it looks poor. I can also see the brand logo and a water droplet to show what it is.The colour they used is Blue to show the water and to show that is bright and so it stands out.

The choice of blue and white could have connotation of pure and clean water. The typographic is important in the size of  the phrase "Dig toilets Not graves" it shows that it is larger than the rest of the text and that the producers want you to see the ad.The colour would show you that its dull and there is no clean water which kills people and children.

The colour pallet is mixed dull; the dark blue shirt, the light brown wall and the trees look dull.The producer has done this to to show and appeal to a young and old target audience.The colour scheme is mixed and not balanced through-out which shows that the brand is telling you that they do not have clean water and could die from the dirty water.  

In this print advert i can see; a pepsi drink and other bottles in the background also the text in bold shows that they want you to see the bold first before the other so it stand outs, i can also see the logo of it and the drink and the drink shows how it look and it has a slogan.   
The choice of blue, white and red could have connotation of bright and pure colours.The typographic is important in the size phrase "PEPSI IN ATLANTA. HOW REFRESHING". It shows that it is larger than the res of the text and that the producers want you to see the ad. The colour would show you that its bright and there is cool pepsi which will make people wanna buy it and try it out.
The colour pallet is mixed with blue red and white colours to make the people show that they keep it cold and that the logo's main colour would be blue and white on the top and bottom that is  why they would make the red bigger and to balance it out this brand wants to show that they are popular and want to to buy this drink so they would get money. The colour scheme is mixed and not really balenced through-out the ad which shows that the brand  is telling you that they really want you to buy it and pursued you to getting pepsi.  

Image result for ads

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Key Concept Films

Image result for bad boys for life
The title is Bad Boys for life and it will be realsied on the 17th January 2020. It was produced by Will smith and Martin Lawrence 

It was produced by Will smith who played in Aladin and other Child friendly movies he also played in Men In Black he plays in action movies mostly. Martin Lawrence acted in a popular movie called Big mommas house he is also a great actor and partner in Bad boys.

Language:Its a film poster because its a picture of the trailer and if it where to be a part of a movie it would of been a small clip and not photoshop.

Industries:the people behind Bad boys for life are Adil El Arbi.The directors are Will smith and Martin Lawrence. The person who will make the money will be the actors and the editors.

The deeper meaning of this is a small part of the film(a sneak peak) of the flim and shows that this will happen at some point of the film and the camera angles show that they are all powerful and shows the guns and that something insane will happen

Photoshop Fruit Bowls.

 I used a autumn colour palette. The colours were Orange,Red,yellow,light green, dark green, blue, darker yellow. I tried to use all the colours in the picture and make it bright and a bit darker. I did brighter for the leaves and the water and i did darker for the branches of the tree.

Thursday 12 September 2019

First Blog Task

1) Which part of the course are you looking forward to most?
Making a Short Movie. 
2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?
I want to learn Editing.

3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?
I want to achieve a 6.

4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?
i watched Fast and Furious 9. 

5) Why do you think that TV programme or film appealed to an audience?
Because it was mostly action and funny.

6) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.)
The last thing i used is Phone.

7) What device do you use most to access the media? 
I would use a Computer. 

9) Why was the casting of Jodie Whittaker a significant moment in the history of Doctor Who?
It was a significant moment because she is popular and more people would want to watch it.

10) What aspects of this scene do you think an audience might enjoy? List at least three things and explain why the audience would enjoy each aspect. 
The audience will enjoy the part where Jodie Whittaker falls and when Peter Capaldi explodes with orange lasers also the part where he said don't eat pears. 

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks 1) What year was  The Times  founded and when did it start using the  Times  name? It was founded in th...