Thursday 12 December 2019

Doctor Strange Blog Task

Doctor strange blog task.

1) List the companies involved in the creation of Doctor Strange.
The companies that were involved are Walt Disney who acquired Marvel Entertainment for us$4.6B.

2) What is conglomerate ownership and how does it link to Doctor Strange?
A conglomerate is a corporation made up of different, independent businesses

3) Who regulates the film industry in the UK?The film industry is BBFC which means British board from classification.

4) What age rating was Doctor Strange given? Why? it should be 12 because its not to violent and mental strong and it is not for under 12 because of the violence and the strong language.

5) How was Doctor Strange promoted to an audience? List at least three different methods used by the film's marketing campaign.One of them is star power social media like adverts and posters on busses. 

6) Analyse the film trailer for Doctor Strange. What aspects of the trailer tell you this is a big-budget blockbuster movie?

7) What was the production budget for Doctor Strange and how much did it make at the box office? they made £263.4 Million  

8) Would you consider Doctor Strange a successful Hollywood blockbuster? Why?
yes, they made way lots of money although they had some bad reviews they also had a 7.5 rating. 

My essay LR

Kevin GCSE Media – Industries, Internet and Audiences essay learner response – December 2019
Post this in a new blogpost on your Media blog called ‘Industry and Audience essay Learner Response’ then complete the LR tasks/questions below. 

Audience essay feedback:
·         Some examples provided on how the internet has effected the music industry e.g. when you comment on the rise of streaming services to access music content (YouTube, SoundCloud and Spotify)

·         Some ability to comment on the three traditional types of media industries e.g. music, film and television and print and how the internet has impacted these

·         Lacking a clear viewpoint or sense of argument within your essay e.g. needs an introduction and conclusion which summarises your opinion of this statement

·         Lacking specific subject terminology to your writing, see planning sheet and GLoW of what terminology you can include

LR: see GCSE Media Year 1 blog 

2) What was the word count for your essay?

the word count for my essay was 600 words.

3) What was your strongest paragraph? Why do you think it was better than others?
 The strongest paragraph is my second one because it had strong points and in my opinion it was better than others.

4) What was your weakest paragraph? Why do you think it wasn't as good as others? the weakest paragraph is the last one becuase it was the shortest and i kind of ran out what to say which made less professional. 

) How can you improve your extended writing in GCSE Media Studies in future? i would use my book more and use what i have learnt from it.

6) Write ONE thing you have learned about the internet, audience and industry from completing this essay
i have learnt that we have really improved 

Thursday 5 December 2019

Film Industry: Marvel Cinematic Universe blog tasks

Film Industry: Marvel Cinematic Universe blog task: 

1) How many films are there in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)? 
There are 22 films in the marvel cinematic universe.

2) How much money have the MCU films made in total so far? 
They have made over $18.2 Billion and are making even more.

3) Why did Marvel create the Avengers films?
They made it to make money and so people would go and remember it.

4) What will Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe involve? 
spider man far from home 

5) What will happen with Doctor Strange and who is the main star?
Benedict cumber-batch is the main star and there will be a horrible accident in doctor strange.

6) Who owns the rights to Spider man and why is the character now appearing in Marvel films?Spider-Man was sold to Sony.

7) Which company owns the rights to the Fantastic Four and the X-Men?
The Fantastic Four series and the X-Men were sold to 20th Century Fox, though Marvel Studios expect to regain the rights to both properties this year due to a merger between Disney and Fox.

8) Look at the very end of the article. What has Disney announced regarding TV shows on their new streaming service Disney?
they have announced that they are making new TV shows that will entertain more people which will be like a short movie for children and adults e.g like a series or a new movie that wouldn't be in a cinema.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Essay over 500 word

Essay 500-800 words.
The internet has given audiences much more power than ever before.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Music Industries.
The changes that have appeared in music industries are that the songs are more pop music then what it used to be, in the old times it used to be jazz and other old type songs that wouldn’t use auto tune or editing skills with computers, nowadays we use editing and music videos which make it sound better and the quality is better,  back then there was no internet so many people didn’t know when a song was realised, now we know when a song is made because of apps like: YouTube, Spotify, sound cloud and other apps that would show the song also radios now do pop music and songs when are realise has well but now radios are not about traffic these days they are mostly music and other things. The songs are sometimes played at festivals and new year songs which shows that

Television industries.
The advantages of television these days are that there are more improved technology and the graphics are better than they used to be so more people would see whats happening around the world or there city also the advantage to this is that there are a huge source of information and that there are also entertainment for kids and adults like cartoons and other TV shows to relax and chill but there are also some that are different like horror or informational like the news, there are plenty of channels with plenty of topics that would help people of any age to find what they want.The disadvantages of television is not all information could be true and that they could be dangerous for everyone's health and that there are more crime type shows then regular and calm shows this shows that the tv companies are showing more violence since teenagers or adults mostly sit on computers which will give a TV less profit and more TV shows will be leaving which will make them lose even more profit. Also TV makes us antisocial and taking the place of family and friends because people can get easily addicted.

Newspaper Industry:
The advantages of Newspaper industries are that they do not get old and are on paper which isn't bad for you if you stare at them which will mean you are doing no harm to your health, Most newspaper will be more about the economics of the country or city which will make them realise whats going on and make them more interested also newspapers can make a good habit in today's life and do not spend lots of time on technology which will make them more energetic and it wont be bad for there eyes. The disadvantage of a newspaper is that someone who is writing could be wrong and lie about the information or the newspaper isn't durable which means that if it gets soaked or wet it will rip and you wont know about the news,also there are less people that buy newspaper which means that not all advertisers are getting has much profit has they used to so they would of moved to a modern one like on a laptop also there are mostly true and are less mistakes so it will be more efficient and easy to get money.

In conclusion, i think that the internet has give way more power than ever before because we can see how its changed and awe can clearly see this that it has changed in many ways and everyone uses the internet to google something e.g weather or the news which shows that technology has really expanded and over took the old times without internet or good TV reports. 

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks 1) What year was  The Times  founded and when did it start using the  Times  name? It was founded in th...