Thursday 13 February 2020

Reveal: case study blog task

Reveal: case study blog task

1) How many of the 12 magazine cover key conventions feature on this edition of Reveal? List them with specific reference to the convention on the CSP edition of Reveal.
paparazzi shots-natural images off celebrities make them fell not real 
central image-is the main article of the image 
price tag-show the cost before you buy it to use up the space
bar-code-to fill up the empty sapce so it makes the magazine more interesting to the consumer.
colour scheme- to show the different varieties of bright colours to get the consumer interested.

2) What is the font choice used on the cover and what does this choice connote?  this choice is picked to stand out to people and to show that they will be more interesting for the reader and the picture 

3) How do the cover lines appeal to the Reveal target audience?   The target audience get appealed by the cover lines because of the posh writing and the different type of font e.g sanserif or sans.

4) What are the connotations of the Reveal colour scheme on this particular front cover? the connotations are specifically made so that when the audience reads it with the colour scheme they will see the which will make them more popular.

5) How are images used to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. mise-en-scene such as props, costume and make-up, body position, facial expression).they will use Photoshop which will change what the picture originally was also the lighting of the picture would also add audience because it would be eye catching and the setting would also show where it was set which would want the people to go there and it would get popular.

6) What differences can you find between the use of design and typography between Tatler and Reveal? List at least three and explain the effect on audiences. they are mostly about how to get fit which is especially made for women who don't like how they look they also for celebrities and what they are doing and in tatler it is mostly clothes which shows how they dress than how they look in Tatler which is an obvious difference between them, the last difference is the front cover, reveal has a hidden title with writing and pictures everywhere which shows how it creative one is and Tatler just has a background which is interesting with a big title in the open.


1) What type of celebrities appear on the front cover? How are they represented in Reveal? (Positive? Negative? Reinforcing or challenging stereotypes?)the male are represented as negative this is seen when pete looks like the one who is cheating but in reality they are both just talking its just that reveal wanted to make pete look like the bad on. but on a different picture we see that mark is a positive representation because it shows how they are a couple and they aren't doing anything bad.

2) How are women represented on the cover of Reveal? Think about both images and cover lines here. They are represented has they are rich and live life also 
3) How do Reveal and Tatler represent social class? (E.g. middle/upper class and working class)they represent social class as upper because of the amount of celebrities and the girlfriends that mark have which shows the different lifestyles.

4) What would be the preferred and oppositional readings to this cover of Reveal? The prefered reading would be what the famous people's lifestyles are and the oppositional would be that the celebrities are cheating and makes tension for people 

Social and cultural context                                                                             1) What aspects of British life are reflected in Reveal? How does this compare to Tatler?This is compared by tatler is just clothes and Reveal has more of useful information about whats going on with celebrities and the other entertaining things e.g where to go for summer or mother hints.

2) What do the cover lines in Reveal suggest about the issues and lifestyle of Reveal readers?the issue with there lifestyle are that they are not always true and they could be acting for a reason so it looks real but they just fake it so mostly they could be lying 

3) Find three other front covers for Reveal. What issues or features regularly appear in Reveal? the issue that regularly appear are the celebrities and always about spy paparazzi's that follow them and most of the time make up a serious thing.

Image result for Reveal magazineImage result for Reveal magazineImage result for Reveal magazine

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