Wednesday 29 April 2020

Galaxy Blog Task.

Galaxy Blog Task.
1) Who is Audrey Hepburn?Audrey Hepburn was a huge star in the Hollywood in the 1950s and she also was a model.

2) Why did Galaxy select Audrey Hepburn for this advert? They had used her because she was a famous fashion icon,and also the advert was set onto the luxurious italian  Riveria which would make her worthy in the advert and she was popular which would boost up galaxy's brand.

3) What are the connotations of Audrey Hepburn and celebrity in this advert? This advert would be amazing for the workers and producers to boost their brand and use better equipment the connotation is people having a normal peaceful day and in the video the galaxy bar shows that peace is everywhere.

4) Why is the advert set in the 1950s? What audience pleasure does this provide?It provides intertextuality and nostalgia.

5) What is intertextuality?
ntertextuality is where one media product (e.g. Galaxy) makes reference to other media products (e.g. Audrey Hepburn movies such as 1953 film Roman Holiday) to interest and engage the audience.

6) What Audrey Hepburn film is suggested in this advert and how is this effect created (e.g. mise-en-scene - CLAMPS: costume, lighting, actors, make-up, props, setting)?Its suggestion would be that its in italy and they would wear things that people in italy used to wear or they do now to show its italy the make-up is heavy which shows that back in the day they used to put a lot to look beautiful in the advert the props would be the bussed the hat and the car.

7) Which of Propp's character types are represented in the advert? (Note: you will not find them all). He is seen in a more of a  flirting and classy guy when he sees Audrey he immediately uses his body language to try and communicate with Audery.
8) How does the advert's narrative (story) follow Todorov's theory of equilibrium?Any market systems can interact with any supply or demand in a market system.

9) What representations of gender can you find in this advert? a representation of gender would be that Audrey sees the man then looks at her chocolate bar and decides to go and sit in the back of his car and enjoy her galaxy chocolate which would show that the man has more power.

10) Are stereotypes reinforced or subverted in the Galaxy advert? Give examples.
women are very soft and not able to become independent since they had no rights, also the men are being portrayed as more of the romancers and that they have the ability to persuade women in most ways possible.

Friday 24 April 2020


1) What does intertextuality refer to in Media Studies?When one media text refers to or suggests another media text.

2) Explain how the OMO advertisement reflects the social and historical context of its time. The OMO adverts show how women were discriminated and not treated as equal to men and didn't  have there rights they also had to be house wife's which showed that some of the adverts were racist and saying that women should always be cooking and cleaning.

3) How do advertisements reinforce and challenge stereotypes in the media?They try to follow what the media say is right or wrong if they get a good opinion then when they have successfully proved their point they will then take that information then later use it on an advertisement by subverting or reinforcing a stereotype.

Introduction to Music Video: Blog tasks

Introduction to Music Video: Blog tasks

1) What are the key conventions of music video?

2) What is intertextuality?intertextuality is when one media text references another media text – through genre, conventions, mise-en-scene or specific cultural references.

3) When did music videos first become a major part of the music industry?In 2005 the launch of Youtube changed the way that consumers access and enjoy music video. Now self-promotion is more common. which shows that it became major has more people would see there music video which got them more money.
4) What launched in 1981 and why were music videos an important part of the music industry in the 1980s and 1990s?MTV was launched  and they were important because it made them shoot up in popularity which made them more money.

5) How are music videos distributed and watched in the digital age?They were done by the TV like how they had MTV and in 2005 they released youtube so that people could enjoy the content that was being made.

6) Why was piracy (illegal downloading on the internet) a problem for the music industry?Piracy was a massive problem because there would be lots of people who would copy secretly and hackers could easily send people their music. 

7) What digital services did the music industry set up to combat the threat of piracy and illegal downloading? Give examples.they made apple music which you have to pay for now and those who downloaded illegally would get fines and made better privacy settings example questions that only you would know.

8) What is digital convergence?when the consumer or audience can access all things on one device or thing

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks 1) What year was  The Times  founded and when did it start using the  Times  name? It was founded in th...