Tuesday 28 January 2020

Tatler- Blog task


1) Look at the Tatler Media Pack. Go to page 2: how does the editor introduce the magazine? They introduce the magazine by telling the consumer that there are popular models and has a lot of rich type words showing that its for rich people there for it shows that its for rich people

2) Now go to page 4 of the Media Pack. Focus on the print magazine (NOT tatler.com - the website). List the key demographic details: age, gender %, ABC1 % (social class), HHI (Household Income), % of those living in London and the South East. What do these demographic details suggest about the average Tatler reader? Age:41, Gender: female 73%, ABC 51%, HHI(house hold income)£261.572, people living in London and the south east is 70% this shows that the average of people on Tatler are mostly girls for the fashion and that there are mostly from London instead of higher up in Scotland. 

3) Look at page 6. What do Tatler readers think about fashion? How much do they spend?They spend £843M a year on fashion. Tatler readers think that there fashion is good and that most of the Tatler people actually buy there clothes that are very expensive.

4) Go to page 10. What are the special editions of Tatler that run throughout the year? What does this suggest about the pyschographic groups who read Tatler? there are different types for summer ,winter ,autumn ,wedding and different months which shows the fashion for each months and the most trending ones.  

Media language

1) What different examples of typography can you find on the cover of Tatler? What are the connotations of the serif and sans serif fonts? I can see serif and i can tell its serif because of the typography with the begging or end of the letter with a small line to show the type of typography.

2) How do the cover lines appeal to the Tatler target audience? the cover is appealed to the audience by the background and the clothes which rich people would want.

3) What are the connotations of the Tatler colour scheme on this particular front cover? the colours would represent what tatler is like clothes and the materials  .

4) How is the central image designed to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. Mise-en-scene such as props, costume and make-up, body position, facial expression) The central image is made for interest with the zebra and the background 


1) What different groups of people are represented on the cover? (E.g. men/women/white people etc. Look at the image and text/cover lines to help here) .... there are mostly women and because mostly women would want to look at this has its for girls based fashion e.g clothes and the colour also the people there.

2) What do the cover lines suggest about the lifestyle of rich people in the UK? the cover line suggests that rich people's lifestyle is more in the open like where there are animals and lots of trees are this shows where all the rich people from England are more likely to live in a mansion.

3) Are there any stereotypes being reinforced or subverted? How? Why?there are some stereotypes we can see this on pg3 as there are only girls and this shows that there are only girls. 

4) What would be the preferred and oppositional readings to this cover of Tatler? the prefered reading is that they want women to go and buy there clothes for money and the oppositional meaning is that they just look at the background.

Social and cultural context

1) What aspects of British life or people are NOT reflected in Tatler? (Watch the clip above again if you need help with this - the clue is in the title 'Posh People')
The parts where some people can't afford certain things and are middle class not upper.In British life, not everybody is interested in posh and fancy things and more interested in gossip about a star celebrities 

2) Tatler runs special issues on holidays, spa breaks, cosmetic surgery, watches and jewellery and private schools. What does this suggest about the magazine's representation of life in Britain?
that there are many things to do. IT shows that in Britain  there is something to do and explore and see. 

3) What audience groups might be offended or insulted by the front cover of Tatler April 2017? those of lower class or and  middle working class.This is because it shows stuff of rich people and targets rich people as well. Those who are not interested in posh things or own nothing posh and then start to feel offended because it seems that they should have and been rich.

4) Find three other front covers for Tatler. What issues or problems are regularly featured in Tatler?
Image result for tatlerImage result for tatlerImage result for tatler

Thursday 16 January 2020

Learner Response on test Blog task

Learner Response

WWW:- some knowledge on the film CSP's we have studied -Recalled a film marketing method

EBI:_ Revise media terminology and be able to apply to your analysis of media products. e.g Connotation,, verbal codes, reception theory and vertical integration.

Q1-0/1 i got it wrong because when he had the cigarette gun i thought i meant that smoking kills

Q2-0/1 I didn't really understand the question.

Q3-1/8 I didn't get the full mark because i didn't explain enough and i didn't write about the preferred or Opposition reading fully

Q4-0/2 I didn't understand the two benefits to media companies of vertical integration

Q5-1/2 i didn't get full mark because i couldn't really tell if news articles where one or not.

Q6-5/20 I couldn't get full mark because i don't feel like i wrote enough media technology  and i could of added more.

 I didn't get connotation, media code and reception theory.

Vertical integration: Vertical integration is when the a small company works for a bigger one so shows of the small one is owned by the bigger one.

The 4 Paragraph 20 Mark essay

I some what agree because i,Daniel Blake was a low budget movie but made so much profit it was a better movie and in total the better one. But Doctor Strange had way better equipment and a higher budget which means they had better quality of the stuff e.g set-up.

Doctor strange had more people watch it because of the company (marvel) which would of boosted the profit also they marketed the film e.g posters on busses, trailers on social media but i Daniel Blake had more profit but they didn't market the film has much as Doctor strange did so they had a bigger success than Doctor strange.

In conclusion, I would say that they couldn't cope against Hollywood blockbuster because they dont have lots of money and it didnt have enoguh people to watch it so it didnt blow up or anything also there budget was really low so there was bad equipment. Doctor strange was better in views because they were mad on blockbuster so it would be way way more popular. 

Kidulthood poster

KIDULTHOOD (poster)Blog task

 1) List the people, places and groups represented in the poster. E.g. men, women, teenagers etc.
the people are We can see the leader who is at the front and his friends at the front they are wearing hoodies and jeans which shows how they act also they are around 15 which shows they are really young.

3) What is the preferred reading of this poster?
 Teenagers are normal and they got caught in a fight with someone like a gang and they had also you wouldn't see a girl with gang fights which shows that gender doesn't matter in kidulthood

4) What is the op-positional reading of this poster? Teenagers are in a stage where they are rude and fights also act hard. 

Extension: What does this poster suggest about British society? 
That There are lots of gangs in England and it isn't safe mostly it is London where all the gangs are but some of them are outside which shows that 

Monday 13 January 2020

I, Daniel Blake blog post

I, Daniel Blake blog post

1) What is independent cinema and how is it different to Hollywood blockbusters? An independent cinema is a low budged movie such as I, Daniel Blake and Hollywood blockbusters are way higher budget which makes it more interesting.

2) What is I, Daniel Blake about?I, Daniel Blake is about a 59-year-old man who is fighting for his dignity and is helping a single mother Katie with 2 kids who lives in a one-bedroom flat. He finds a good shelter for her 300 miles away in Manchester.
3) Who directed I, Daniel Blake and why is this important? Kevin Loach is the person who directed the movie and is important because he goes around the world and telling stories/movies about people who suffer everyday.
4) How was I, Daniel Blake promoted to an audience? List at least three different methods used by the film's marketing campaign.-Organized free screenings and public talks in community centres,
 I, Daniel Blake’ was projected onto the Houses of Parliament and made the labour party attend his premier. 

5) What unusual or creative marketing methods were used to get audiences talking about the film?
Putting the movie on The House Of Parliament.
6) What was the estimated production budget for I, Daniel Blake and how much did it make at the box office?
it made $115,822 for estimated budget but for box office, it made $15,887.
7) How can independent films like I, Daniel Blake compete with Hollywood blockbusters like Doctor Strange?
better set-ups using green screen and better casts.8) In your opinion, was I, Daniel Blake a success?
In my opinion, i think it was successful because of all the money that was earned and the awards that they got for just an independent movie.

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks

The Times - Introduction: blog tasks 1) What year was  The Times  founded and when did it start using the  Times  name? It was founded in th...